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Year One In Review

By Marion Martin

Owner, Martin Digital LLC | June 6, 2018


June 6th 2018 marks the one year anniversary of the founding of Martin Digital LLC and the more I research “How to write a year in review”, the more I realize how unprepared I am to write one. To be truthful, I haven’t been keeping track of what went well versus what did not this past year. I did not set enough goals for this far out. I only know that we have been working hard to build upon what we started last year. Regardless of being unready, we do owe our community and ourselves insight on what year one has been like for us and what to look forward to going into year 2.


What went well


1) We are still open

I am grateful to still be able to run this business. I am thankful for everyone who supports us and helps us spread Martin Digital LLC to those who may not know we exist. Whether they do business with us or not. As long as they know of us, we can take it from there.


2) We are growing

We can easily see how far we have come even though we are still in “start-up” mode. I still remember when I started getting calls and messages from people I did not know. We are working hard to increase the services we are able to provide, increase awareness of our existence, and to create ways in which we can give back to our community.


3. We are starting to give back

From the very beginning I wanted to be able to help improve our region. I, personally, feel that education, health, and safety are the pillars of a strong community. Right now, we are small and do not have many resources. We are, however, able to offer discounts to educators, college students, military, EMS, Fire, and Law Enforcement personnel.


Quick List of Highlights from Year One

  • Acquired an account manager within our primary vendor

  • Became an active member in the repair community

  • Made business cards

  • Bought a business phone

  • Launched a Website

  • Created a presence on several social media platforms

  • Began advertising discounts and bonus discounts for appreciation days/weeks


What went wrong


1) Short notice on appreciation weeks

We were not prepared to advertise the appreciation weeks this year. We missed firefighter’s day completely. Now, every appreciation day we plan to honor has been recorded and contacts will be made well in advance.


2) The iPhone 8/8+

Before we even got off the ground, a fellow mobile repair shop owner told us that it was best to wait a while before offering repairs of the newest phones. We now know why. While we had not repaired any iPhone 8s, it was still embarrassing to pull the pricing, refuse repairs, and do damage control on the situation. We learned to be more careful in our service selection in the future.


3) Business Hours and scheduling

I still have not set concrete business hours. Martin Digital LLC still runs on a mix of appointments and on demand. We are working to increase availability and our window of being “open”.


What to look forward to


1) A public business location

A brick and mortar location was the biggest goal of the first year, but it was too optimistic and too early. Now that we have better resources and the ability to track a better trajectory, we can realistically begin looking for business locations. Any help would be appreciated.


2) More services

The more we repair, the more we learn. We are planning to add services such as water damage recovery, housing swaps, and board level repairs in the near future. Basic accessories and gadgets are to come as well.


3) More involvement in the community

We are serious about wanting to give back. If you have any suggestions on how our local PC & Mobile Repair Shop can help out, please let us know.


Thank you again to everyone who cares about Martin Digital LLC. This is only the beginning and we have no plans on slowing down or stopping.

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